Thursday, April 7, 2011

Status amongst other things

I have become dissatisfied with this blog. That is why I want to make another one.

When I started this one, I was just starting to learn animation. Everything was new and it felt like I was flying. Things started to slow down until I then went to college. Life sped up again but not in the areas I wanted. Now I've become busy with college. Of course it's all part of my plan, I have to tell myself this to keep my hopes up. (Only this long until you finish for good, it's part of your plan)

The reason I'm not happy with this blog atm is that my posts have been so much filler instead of actual new content. This is why my other blog will be for creative content, and this will be for casual conversation. Ofcourse I don't have to do it that way but I wants to.

I've still kept going, but slower and quieter than I'd like. On a good note, class-room boredom does wonders on your creativity ^ ^. My note books are half notes half sketch's now. If I'm waiting for class to start or for any other reason waiting, then I'm drawing something, and it's not forcing myself too but I want to.

So about my new blog, the reason I don't have it up is for two reasons. One, it needs a name and I want to decide how it will look. The second reason is that I don't want to open it up until I actually have something to show. Also I've been so out lately, that when I come back, I want to come back full force!

Moving on from that, I'm finding my inner world has changed. Old inspirations have been dropped, and new ones arise to take their place. I've lost hope in some things and gained hope in others, and it feels very good! I've always asked myself what type of stuff do I want to make, and it's becoming clearer to me all the time.

Anyway, I hope you're all doing well, and I'm not going to apologize again for being so quiet, I've done it enough.

and with that, here is the source of my rejuvenation.


  1. I think i'm going to do the same, i'm probably going to start one for my flash progress and one for my ramblings

  2. I've already done that. Tumblr/Blogger. ^ ^

  3. I guess you can say...
    *puts on sun glasses*
    This blog really went down the draing

