Thursday, June 23, 2011

* noms your screen*

I've been meaning to make an update about something but I've been a stupid meany head and forgot! D:

So yeah , you remember how I made that alt blog? Probably not, maybe so, idk.

Well here's the thing..that was a stupid idea I says! I've been thinking..why is it ever a good idea to split up my posts between two blogs? One would die and the other may I decided upon a new plan.

I'm going to keep this blog as my main, all my video updates that would go on that blog will be on this now starting with my next video. ((which is almost done I might add))
So I guess I'll delete the old blo-actually no! I wont do that.

I decided that blog will mainly a catalog more than a real blog. Everything I make will be posted here but Ill post it their as reference..UNLESS I can remember how to make a dedicated post on my blog that is only accessible by a special tab to it..then I WILL delete the other one, since you know it won't be needed anymore?

Also I'd like to mention the new video I'm making..It's been taking long but it's because I've been trying to make it my best yet! Technically maybe I shouldn't call it mine since I didn't come up with the idea, I did share in the directing, film most of it, and I'm doing all of the editing.

Also it's worth mentioning that a miss Inizny was generous enough to make a painting for it by my request, and I'm EXTREMELY honored that she did ^ ^

Hopefully this bla-bla-blah will justify itself when the video is finished but I guess that's YOU'RE opinion that matters there not mine!

I plan to have it done by the end of the week so hopefully new updates soon! ^ ^

and just for teasing's sake...

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