Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Look out world cause this person can now drive!

Let us celebrate with a good o'l oldies song!


  1. cool beans
    me myself and samurai over here really couldn't careless about cars and driving lol
    but thats just all of me
    you just getting it to like just have your drivers license? or do you actually plan on owning a car? lol

  2. Yep I'll end up owning a car....or a truck..something like that! XD

    If they finally release hover-boards now....I'll be the first one riding one! XD

  3. if i had money to expend like if i won the lottery i might onsider it but priorities dictate
    -Massive work station to make m dot jealous
    -Build japanese style house
    -Donate to various film makers
    then mabey MABEY a car lol
